[EP04] An/Na (AnNa)
A game show in which all is not as it seems.
Game of Love follows Vivien (Bella Thorne) and Roy (Benjamin Mascolo) as their love story continues and leads them to Roy's childhood home in Sicily to prepare for the sale of the family estate. During the visit, a mysterious woman arrives and befriends Vivien, much to Roy's displeasure. Tensions build and lines are crossed as secrets from Roy's past force the couple to face aspects of their relationship they did not know existed.
Good Neighbor Sister
Having Sex Next To My Husband And Having Lewd Sex
Imaginary Sex With A Woman Who Does Anything
Lihis is two stories in one. The first is set in the present day: a young women investigates the mystery of her missing godfather who is torn out from all family photos. The second is set in the 1970s during the communist uprising: two young male NPA soldiers find themselves entangled in a web of frustration as they struggle in the middle of war against dictatorship, but also for their love of each other. The common link? The godfather is one of the NPA soldiers.
Sister in laws Seduction (Uncut)
Sweet and Bloody Guanyin
退休的副警察局长乌达亚巴努(Udhayabhanu)在电视节目中讲述了他职业生涯中的一些事件。这就是他如何揭示其职业生涯中具有里程碑意义的 “切帕南托塔案 ”中耐人寻味的细节。当严厉的巡回督察贾亚山卡尔(Jayashankar)和巡警卡尔蒂克(Karthik)开始一起工作时,一连串的事件就开始了。他们经常因为处理情况和解决问题的方法不同而发生冲突。在家人、朋友、敌人和上司的注视下,他们以各自独特的风格,试图解开纠缠不清的困境。谁能迎接挑战,又能以多快的速度完成任务?
电视动画片《狼与香辛料 merchant meets the wise wolf》根据支仓冻砂的小说《狼与香辛料》改编。
江口拓也担任角色原案的卡牌游戏《EGUMI LEGACY》宣布改编为动画
在远离大都会的小山村,住着巫女世家出身的高中女孩宫水三叶(上白石萌音 配音)。校园和家庭的原因本就让她充满烦恼,而近一段时间发生的奇怪事件,又让三叶摸不清头脑。不知从何时起,三叶在梦中就会变成一个住在东京的高中男孩。那里有陌生的同学和朋友,有亲切的前辈和繁华的街道,一切都是如此诱人而真实。另一方面,住在东京的高中男孩立花泷(神木隆之介 配音)则总在梦里来到陌生的小山村,以女孩子的身份过着全新的生活。许是受那颗神秘彗星的影响,立花和三叶在梦中交换了身份。他们以他者的角度体验着对方的人生,这期间有愤怒、有欢笑也有暖心。只是两人并不知道,身份交换的背后隐藏着重大而锥心的秘密…… 本片为2016年度日本本土影片票房冠军。